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The California African American Political Action Committee

Our Mission Statement:

California African American Political Action Committee (CAAPAC) is a non-candidate controlled, multi-partisan political action committee. CAAPAC knows that electing and supporting candidates and incumbents who recognize that serving their communities requires integrity, passion, and determination to address America's historical and systemic issues, which cannot and will not be solved in abstention or isolation.  


CAAPAC identifies and supports candidates and members committed to listening, learning, and unceasingly advocating for the concerns of the black community.

About The CAAPAC:

We are an organization who supports the California Legislative Black Caucus by working to elect state elected officials, assembly members, senators and local level seats. 

We are building a bench of local elected officials by inquiring with those who are interested in moving up to a state and national level. 

Our main objective is to further educate and engage the African-American community in the area of California politics.

The logos meaning:

How we plan to advance the African-American culture from point A to point B.

The first symbol is a Dwennimmen, literally meaning "ram's horns," symbolizes that even the strong have to also be humble. The symbol is a bird's eye view of two rams butting heads, and the rams' horns symbolizes strength and humility through the characteristics of a ram. A ram will courageously fight against its foes when prompted, but will submit to slaughter when necessary, indicating that even the strong have to be humble. This is reminiscent of how many Africans were removed from their homelands, enslaved, and still fought for their rights and freedom; enslaved Africans showed humility through their adaptation of American culture to create African-American culture. Dwennimmen is illustrated here at the burial ground through the melting pot of traditional African burial practices and American burial practices. 


The Dwennimmen is placed within an Adinkra symbol called Dame Dame. According to Symbolsage, this symbol means 'checkered' and represents 'intelligence, strategy and ingenuity. ' The name comes from a West African board game called 'Dame Dame' which requires crafty and innovative thinking to win.


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